I Interdisciplinary National Scientific Conference: Entitled. “Promoting mental diversity in the conditions of a transforming world”.

On 28.11.2023 took place the 1st Interdisciplinary National Scientific Conference:
Entitled. “Supporting mental diversity in the conditions of a transforming world” at WSEI Lublin Academy in Lublin. This was the first event in a planned series of scientific exchange of experiences, organized in Polish with the participation of foreign guests delivering speeches in English and Ukrainian. Of particular interest were the expert speeches by Dr. Lidyia Oryshchyn – Buzhdyhan, professor at Lviv Polytechnic University, Ukraine, and Professor Rosemary Sage, educator from London University, UK. Professor Monika Barilla-Matejczuk took part in a panel discussion on the mental condition and directions for supporting children and adolescents after the Covid-19 pandemic, presenting the perspective of highly vulnerable people in a changing world.The conference also included a workshop: “Differential sensitivity to stimuli: supporting highly sensitive people across the life course”.
The participants of the event are: teachers, educators, health care workers, employees of psychological and pedagogical institutions, as well as parents and guardians of children and adolescents, and people who are entering adulthood and – being aware of the problems of adult life – want to deal with them in a responsible way. More information about the event: https://www.wsei.lublin.pl/aktualnosci/wspieranie-roznorodnosci-psychicznej-w-warunkach-transformujacego-sie-swiata-konferencja-naukowa/